Application Information for Tanderra OOSH Educator-Child Care Assistant
Selection Criteria for Tanderra OOSH Educator-Child Care Assistant
Application Information for Tanderra OOSH Educator-Child Care Assistant
Selection Criteria for Tanderra OOSH Educator-Child Care Assistant

SNCC provides a range of services to connect the community. These include health & fitness groups, social groups, a digital mentoring service and much more.
Intergenerational Program
SNCC’s Intergenerational Program connects preschoolers with people over the age of 65 & Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people over the age of 55 in a fun way & engaging way. The program is a wonderful way for older people to connect with the wider community and provides meaningful interactions for both young and old. Click HERE for more information.
Digital Mentor Service
Do you need a little help with your smart phone, iPad or laptop? You are welcome to make a one-on-one appointment to see one of our Digital Mentors, bookings are available Tuesdays and Thursdays. Click HERE for more information.
Arts & music groups
SNCC facilitates mulitple arts and music groups including Shine Choir, Springwood Acoustic Club, Arts Social and RRR Revolution. These are all friendly, inclusive groups and welcoming of new members. Click HERE for more information.
Living with Disability

DARE Disability Support, located in Springwood, provides quality programs to people with a disability in the areas of accommodation support, independent living, employment and training, recreation and social inclusion. They can be contacted on 4751 5266.​
Nova Employment is a Disability Employment Service for people with a disability (Intellectual, Deaf, Physical, Mental Illness). Nova have a Springwood office, at Shop 7 127 Macquarie Street, Springwood NSW 2777. Their contact number is 4752 3000.
Bushfire Resilience
The Blue Mountains Bush Fire Resilience website is a virtual hub of bush fire-related information, resources, services and support. The hub is arranged in three phases: before (prepare), during (respond) or after (recover) a bush fire. Click the HERE to read more.
Wellbeing Connector Program
SNCC has joined with Wentworth Healthcare in the Social Connectedness Project to find ways for the older people in our community to increase their social connections. Click HERE for more information.
Emergency Food Relief
As the cost of living continues to rise, SNCC is committed to providing emergency food relief to our community. Click HERE for more information.
Health & wellbeing groups
SNCC continues to keep the community connected offering a diverse range of fitness groups and activities including Tai Chi Qui Gong, Seated Yoga and FUNctional Fitness. Click HERE for more information.
Commonwealth Home Support Program
The Commonwealth Home Support Program is a government funded program that offers companionship and support for older residents living at home. Click the HERE for more information about the program.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities available to volunteer with SNCC. Take action at the local level and be the change you want for your community. Click HERE to see how you can make a difference in your community.